Depreciation Calculator is not a fixed asset manager, however,
it will assist you in managing your fixed assets.
Property Types Supported:
- Furniture and Equipment.
- Passenger Automobile
- Van, Light Truck, or Sport Utility Vehicle
- Heavy Truck, Truck-Tractor
- Residential Real Property
- Non-Residential Real Property
Depreciation Methods Supported:
- Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)
- Straight-Line
Conventions Supported:
- Half-Year
- Mid-Quarter
- Mid-Month
Depreciable Lives Supported:
3-Years, 5-Years, 7-Years, 10-Years, 15-Years, 20-Years, 27.5-Years, 31.5-Years, and 39-Years.
Fiscal Year Support:
The program will compute the applicable depreciation by comparing the date the property was placed in service
with the fiscal year ending date.
1st Year Bonus Depreciation Computation Support:
The program will compute the 60% first year bonus depreciation for all qualified property types placed in
service in tax year 2024.
The Date Placed in Service field automatically determines the quarter in which the property was
placed in service (if using Mid-Quarter convention), or the month (if using Mid-Month
convention), to ensure that the proper depreciation rates are used. Also, for luxury automobiles, the
program will use the proper Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tables based on the year placed in service.
The Date Placed in Service field has another little trick, double click it or press the "C" key
on your keyboard and a calendar will pop-up to assist you in entering the correct date.
Double clicking within the Cost or Basis field or pressing the "C" key on your keyboard will
summon the pop-up calculator. The pop-up calculator is capable of retrieving amounts from the Cost or Basis
field as well as putting amounts back from the calculator.
The display window only displays the property's year-by-year depreciation.
Use the print command button to print a Depreciation Report (Registered version only).
Export Depreciation Reports to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and Web
document (HTML) from within the print preview screen (Registered version only).
Depreciation Calculator comes equipped with a very informative help file (
view it), to assist you in completing the
Depreciation Options.
Pay for it once and receive an update every year. Every registered user will be entitled to a free update
each year at no additional cost.
Price: $20.00
To download a Depreciation Calculator demo click here
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